Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How I Organized: Under the Bathroom Sink

Not really any Pinspiration for this one.

I only have one bathroom, so everything goes in there. Well, I have a utility room that I keep most of my stockpile in, but I also keep some of it under the sink.

I'm actually pretty lucky to have a long counter and a lot of under the sink space. The 3 doors actually open up to one big space.

One the left, I keep the things that are most vital... the things that need to be closest to the toilet. I keep the toilet paper in a basket instead of in the packaging because it's MUCH easier to pull out a roll this way. Plus, it looks much neater. I think I saw something on Pinterest about keeping it in a basket next to the toilet. Not if you have pets.

Excuse the cat tail. She gets excited whenever the doors are open because I don't let her go under there. I coupon, so I have somewhat of a stockpile. I have a lot of shampoo and conditioner, which I keep organized in what I'm assuming I'll use next (which pretty much depends on how long it has been since I last colored my hair). I also keep the shave gel under the sink. Extra face wash, moisturizer, hair removing things (creams, razor blade, razors). And the non-girly hand soap, in case someone doesn't want to use the B&BW soap. In the very back, I keep the bathroom cleaners.

In the drawer, I keep toothpaste. It was easier to store outside of the box.

Closer up of this area. 

The bottom drawer is my pharmacy. Obviously, I don't have small children. Or children at all. So I don't need to keep it up high/locked up. I keep the bandages, Neosporin, hydrogen peroxide, etc, towards the front.

The middle drawer is a couple extra washcloths and all of my free samples of shampoo and conditioner. Basically, the drawer for guests.

Top drawer is quick needs. My cotton swabs, glasses after I take them off to put in my contacts in the morning, and nail clippers.

And a peek inside the medicine cabinet. I would keep the Listerine in here, but the cat has figured out how to open the cabinet. She usually only pulls things down from the bottom shelf, but the bad things (contact lens cases ended up on the floor and she started to play with them, the Claritin) had to move to the top shelf.

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