Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sunday "Fun" Day? Cleaning Ceiling Fan Blades


I have really tall ceilings. And a step ladder. I had a light bulb out, so I called my parents to see if I could borrow a tall ladder. They offered to bring it over (as the ladder easily fit in the back of my dad's pickup truck and had no chance of fitting in my Ford Taurus). My dad ended up changing the light bulb for me, and then I used it to clean my ceiling fan blades. They definitely had not been cleaned before I moved in, so there was a lot of dust. I didn't get a before.

But I got an after. So clean!

And I got an inside shot of the pillow case. I used an old flannel pillow case (which is ripped, so I don't use it   on pillows anymore).

Before I did it, my mom kept saying, "You just need one of those feather dusters that reach that high." But by the time I finished the first one (I have 3), she was saying, "That's a really good idea!"

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