Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How to Organize: The T-Shirt and Tank Drawer(s)

Pinspiration: http://pinterest.com/pin/185210603395477535/

Except, I first saw it here: http://unfuckyourhabitat.tumblr.com/

I'm pretty sure I saw the tank top idea on UFYH also. I don't want to claim I'm clever enough to come up with that on my own.

I have way too many t-shirt. Way, way too many. And then I have way too many fitted t-shirts. And way too many tanks. It's sick. I have a lot of clothes period.

When I moved in October, the people who carried my drawers out to the trailer commented on how organized my shirts (and bras... to come later) were. It's really just so I can actually close the drawers.

Some of my tanks, but not even close.

I started lining them up that way, with the drawer sitting as it would in the dresser.

Then realized it was much easier if I laid it on its side.

All of those boxes are Premier Jewelry boxes. I keep them in case I need to send one back. My niece sells it, so I have a lot. I'm not thrilled with my scarves being there, but until I figure out a better way, that's where they'll be.

That is, literally, today. Laundry day is tomorrow, so there are some tanks missing.

These are my fitted t-shirts. The "cute tees" that I'm more likely to wear when I'm going to see people. I had extra space on the right, so there are more tees on the side so I could space the rest of them out better.

Sweatpants on the left, which I can't fold to fit vertical. Capri lounge pants in the middle, which I have several more pairs of, but they are dirty and in the laundry. Long sleeve t-shirts (and overflow capris) are on the right.

My drawers are wide enough for about 2 and 7/8 tees, so I divided them into 2 drawers and used the extra space for non-white socks in this drawer (the extra space on the right is fitted workout tees that are made out of that material that isn't made for this type of organization)...

... and pantyhose in this drawer. As I've mentioned.... laundry day is tomorrow, so I normally have a lot more t-shirts.

I have a small set of 3 drawers (each drawer is about a foot wide and a foot deep) that I keep my white socks (in case you were wondering where those are) and underwear in.

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