My mom actually tried this first. Mostly because I didn't have a cat yet.
When I got little Elvira, she was 10 weeks old. I initially used the traditional litter box that I kept in the bathroom. She was little so I wanted to make it easy on her.
Eventually, I made one of these boxes out of a smaller plastic bin that wasn't clear. She adjusted just fine, as long as I kept the bathroom light on. I swear she held it in if the bathroom light was off. I figured she didn't like the darkness of the covered box.
And she got bigger. It looked a bit uncomfortable for her to go in it.
So I made another one. This time out of a plastic bin with clear sides, to let in light.
Yes, she's spoiled.
It was also too big for the bathroom, so I moved it to the office (next to the filing cabinet!).
I didn't measure the cut. And I used the tin snips to cut it (I didn't feel like my scissors were strong enough). It was pretty easy. I just made sure it was big enough for her to fit through. There is still some litter that gets on the floor, but most of it stays on the lid of the box. I've actually found that it's easier to vacuum litter off carpet than linoleum. Go figure. She does fine with it (and even adjusted perfectly to the move from one room to another). In case you were wondering... I use Tidy Cats - Instant Action (or sometimes the one for small spaces). I scoop it out every 2 days. Mostly because I live in an apartment and the box is in a room I frequent.
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